Chippy Soaps replied

538 weeks ago

Titan Ex down, next up T5. I wanna see those pics from Titan Ex!

Buzz Killed Raider replied

538 weeks ago

Last night, Rei, Amber, Chippy and I laid waste to the brutal rock man, Titan (EX). It was the third time I've defeated him, but the feeling of triumph has not diminished in the slightest. The hours of practice, the countless hopeless PUGs, the various trolls and a-holes we endured to get to that moment of victory were all part of the journey. It is a true trial, and I don't care what the folks say about it being easy, I think they are wrong. "It' easy. Eight people just have to do exactly what they are supposed to do while standing in the exact spot they should at the exactly correct time." Nonsense. There were three people on their feet when Titan's lifeless body crashed to the floor. I'm so proud to have been one of them (but it took all of us). The trial is far from easy. I can barely capture in words the tremendous joy and fulfillment I'm feeling from this victory, but I tried. I want to experience this joy again, with a group of FC mats, and I will continue to periodically host learning parties for this battle. Because to paraphrase from the Onion Knights, no victory is a true victory if it isn't shared with friends. So, in the coming weeks, when weight of the land cheats you, when the bomb boulders tear you asunder, when mountain buster drops you, and when landslide sends you flying, remember it will all be worth it in the end. It's been many hours since my last victory and weeks since the first. The pride I feel from the victory can't be marginalized or dismissed as something I came by easily. So hang in there guys and gals. Put your time into some PUGs and learning parties (not just mine). Keep your focus on the light at the end of the Navel, and the glory will also be yours - forever. I can't wait to see another team of FC mates get this trial behind them, and to share in their joy. See you online! -Buzz

Sigurd Bloode Moderator replied

538 weeks ago

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"Knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is matter, matter is mass and mass changes time and space." - Terry Pratchett

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