Sigurd Bloode Moderator replied

538 weeks ago

Since we're trying to help each other get stuff knocked out that they need to do, I was thinking it might be useful to have a thread where we wrote down the stuff we needed to finish. That'll make it easier to help each other out. A lot of folks have been really helpful to us in getting things finished, and I'd like to spread that sort of thing around, so…

If you have something you're working on that you might need help finishing, please go ahead and post it here. Also, it'd be good to know what time you're on so we can try to get together. Even if it's just regular dungeon runs or whatever, go ahead and post. Those sorts of things are more fun if you can do them with friends. :)
"Knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is matter, matter is mass and mass changes time and space." - Terry Pratchett


Solara Cantis Member replied

538 weeks ago

Alright, why not. My current goals are Ifrit Ex, Turn 5, farming Levi Ex for a Sch and/or Smn weapon and/or Bard weapon. Also will be willing to DPS for anyone else running stuff, as it'll contribute to my Nexus completion.

- Ifrit Ex learning
-Turn 5 clearing
-Levi Ex farming
-DPS'ing for other stuff peeps need cleared.

Sigurd Bloode Moderator replied

538 weeks ago

Wicked :) Well, Ali and I obviously can't help with Ifrit Ex learning until we learn Titan Ex, but we're in the same spot with the Turn 5 clearing.

Levi Ex we'd love to join you on once we get the second story bit done. It seems like a lot of people like Levi Ex.

The DPS stuff - if there's any dungeons you enjoy a lot and want to run, give a holler in guild chat and let us know. Doesn't have to necessarily be something someone else is running already if you want to run something. Dungeon runs are fun (although if I'm tanking, make sure I'm not using the legacy controls. Yeesh.) :)
"Knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is matter, matter is mass and mass changes time and space." - Terry Pratchett


Amber Grey Admin replied

538 weeks ago

I'm with Sol on the above, same 3 (T5, IfEX and LevEX)

Sigurd Bloode Moderator replied

537 weeks ago

Ok, so I think we have lots of folks that need Titan or Ifrit Ex, Levi Ex, and T5. I want to start a spreadsheet for clearing stuff, but I need more people to tell me what they need done.

Yes, I'm an engineer. There's apparently no cure, and we don't have support groups. :(
"Knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is matter, matter is mass and mass changes time and space." - Terry Pratchett


Chippy Soaps replied

537 weeks ago

T5, Ifrit Ex, Mog Ex, Levi Ex.

Sigurd Bloode Moderator replied

537 weeks ago

Thornmarch Ex? Chaos supreme!
I think I'm going to have to start asking people in-game too, and making notes.
"Knowledge is power, power is energy, energy is matter, matter is mass and mass changes time and space." - Terry Pratchett

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