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Battleship Full Movie Hd 1080p Download > DOWNLOAD

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A naval war ship encounters an alien armada and faces the biggest threat mankind has ever faced. If they lose, the world could face a major extinction event and an alien invasion. Will humans win this alien war, what are the aliens doing here, and what do they want? Based on the Hasbro naval war game.
Based on the classic Hasbro naval combat game, Battleship is the story of an international fleet of ships who come across an alien armada while on Naval war games exercise. An intense battle is fought on sea, land and air. What do the aliens want?
No spoilers here. I hate spoilers. I hate trailers that give away the movie. When Battleship came out I was dying to see it but the mixed reviews kept me away. Then I finally saw it on video. And to me, it's one of those movies you can just watch over and over. Fun blockbuster escapist fun! Story - I won't give away any details. Just know it's a creative way to take the board game Battleship and make a movie out of it. Yes it is very far fetched. But movies with a sci-fi twist sort of have to be. I found it both derivative and creative. If you liked Independence Day and Transformers you will like this movie. Cast - excellent. Even Rhianna was good! No clue why she got trashed. Small role. Well done. Taylor is great as always. And adding in real life soldiers was the best. A big shout out to Gregory Gadson - no CGI for him. Thank you for your service. Effects - Amazing. They really did a jaw dropping job. The navy boats look real and I am sure they are often CGI. Overall the effects were seamless and realistic. This was a big budget movie and it shows. Music - I have to give a shout out to Steve Jablonsky. The music was riveting and contributed greatly to the movie experience. Overall - I rate it equal to Independence Day, Pacific Rim, and the first Transformers. Creative. Imaginative. Entertaining. Escapist fun. Oh, and it holds up great under repeat viewings. Sure there are plot holes. But to me the creative aspect outweighs it. I pick up so many small things in the script each time I watch it. Wish they would make a sequel.
I expected &quot;Battleship&quot; to be unwatchable. Especially when padded with commercials to 3 hours by FX. But all throughout the movie, I kept thinking to myself &quot;Why am I enjoying this so much more than any of the Transformers movies?&quot; The answer is &quot;In Battleship, I didn&#39;t know how they were going to get out of the next situation, and I kind of cared, and I wanted to find out.&quot; It&#39;s that simple. <br/><br/>Yes, the dialog is insanely clichéd and the acting is pretty wooden and there isn&#39;t much character development. But there&#39;s just enough to keep it compelling, which can&#39;t be said for anything from the unholy alliance between Michael Bay and Hasbro. And &quot;Battleship&quot; even has a few clever and funny one-liners amidst all the mayhem. <br/><br/>If it really bothers you that this movie portrays U.S. Navy (and Japanese navy!) sailors as heroes able to adapt and prevail against overwhelming odds, then there&#39;s really nothing more to be said to you - except maybe &quot;Don&#39;t watch it on FX then, because they are actually airing commercials for the U.S. Navy during the presentation&quot;. Oh and, um, it&#39;s a science fiction movie based on a board game called &quot;Battleship&quot;, did you expect the good guys to be from Amnesty International?<br/><br/>I don&#39;t really want to list any spoilers but I also don&#39;t want to be blacklisted over &quot;Battleship&quot; so I checked the box anyway. I&#39;ll just list a few of the funnier/stranger plot items and then we&#39;ll move on to the career-damage check.<br/><br/>I loved the scene where the U.S. Navy losing a pick-up soccer game to the Japanese navy was played out with all the drama of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Classic. And yeah, I know it was for the RIMPAC Cup, but still.<br/><br/>I hope everybody noticed that the alien projectiles are shaped similarly to the pegs in the classic game of &quot;Battleship&quot;. Unfortunately, the aliens never learned to take turns - they fire at B4, C7 and D5 at the same time. On the other hand, it is quite noteworthy (and has been noted by others) that the aliens go to great pains to distinguish threats (conveniently highlighted red) from non-threats (conveniently highlighted green). That&#39;s also kind of their undoing - could that be the message of this movie, that it&#39;s better to shoot first and ask questions later?!? OK, I can see how that might bother some people. Then again, the aliens did shoot first unless you count Taylor Kitsch touching their spaceship as an attack… Kudos to the scriptwriters for the intricate layers of moral ambiguity! <br/><br/>I&#39;m still wondering why, when all of the alien technology was directed at the military, transportation, and urban infrastructure of Hawaii, a bunch of policemen in Jeeps were so focused on getting a couple of hikers off of an isolated mountain. At least they were kind enough to abandon 1/3 of their off-road vehicles at a time when all roads to the mountain had been destroyed.<br/><br/>(Minor spoiler alert 1) The only thing that really disappointed me in this movie was the post-credits bonus scene. I was hoping it would be a teaser for an upcoming movie based on Gnip Gnop.<br/><br/>Career Damage Check: <br/><br/>1. Rihanna - She&#39;s still a mega-talented, mega-successful recording artist, and she&#39;s been friends with the monster and Eminem since this movie was released, so she&#39;ll be fine.<br/><br/>2. Liam Neeson - He spent most of the movie on the outside of an alien force dome, which shielded not only his character but also his career. And during the viewing on FX I saw a commercial for his new, Taken-like, ass-kicking movie, so he&#39;ll be fine. <br/><br/>3. Jesse Plemons - Although forced to team up again with his Dillon High School buddy (and box-office albatross) Taylor Kitsch, he will be remembered much more for his role as &quot;Meth Damon&quot; on Breaking Bad, proving that the man has talent and range. So, he&#39;ll be fine.<br/><br/>4. Brooklyn Decker - She&#39;s fine.<br/><br/>5. Taylor Kitsch - Although this dude will forever be associated with two of the biggest box-office bombs in cinema history, he&#39;s quite handsome and ripped, so I imagine he does alright with the ladies, so I&#39;m sure he&#39;ll be fine. Besides, since I liked &quot;Battleship&quot; much more than I expected to, I really can&#39;t hold this one against him. And since I could never make it more than 20 minutes into &quot;John Carter&quot;, despite multiple attempts, I&#39;d say I wasted less time on his duds than on lots of other actors&#39;.<br/><br/>6. Peter MacNicol - I don&#39;t remember the last time I saw anyone from &quot;Ally McBeal&quot; on my TV screen, so relatively speaking I guess he&#39;s doing better than expected. <br/><br/>Finally, (minor spoiler alert 2), if you did not get at least a little teary-eyed during the scene where all the old-timers stepped up to save the day, then you might be un-American. And yes, there&#39;s nothing wrong with being un-American, unless you happen to be a U.S. citizen.
Director Peter Berg said:I spent a lot of time in the Navy thinking about who would make sense and who would bring an urban swagger to this character…put a call in, had a great couple of meetings, and she&#39;s a great girl, really hard-working, very smart, wants to be good, really strong work ethic, no attitude, no diva nonsense. She was great. There are some references in the movie that loosely connect it to the original Battleship board game. Those who are familiar with the game can pick up on them easily.<br/><br/><ul><li>Part of the plot involves the aliens emitting an electromagnetic pulse, which disrupts radio signals, including radar, communications, and targeting systems. The aliens themselves are unable to detect ships unless they have a direct line of sight. This means both sides are blind to each other&#39;s positions—just like the game, where the player is unaware of the enemy&#39;s position and can only fire blind.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>The alien artillery &quot;shells&quot; look just like the pegs used in the game to mark hits and misses. In the movie, several of the enemy &quot;pegs&quot; embed themselves into a ship deck or hull, and then all simultaneously explode and sink the target ship. In the board game, an enemy ship is sunk only after several pegs are used.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Due to their lack of radar, the Navy resorts to receiving signals from the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) system of buoys. The system is designed to track tsunamis (and other natural events) by detecting water displacement levels, but can detect any massive water displacement, such as those caused by the alien ships. The NOAA system is composed of a network of buoys spread across the ocean surface to form a grid, which is displayed on the Navy ship&#39;s instruments, and looks similar to the grids used by players in the game. Also (as in the game) the Naval personnel call out alien targets using a letter-number code to mark positions on the grid—and spotters on the ship call out &quot;miss&quot; and &quot;hit&quot; after each missile salvo.</li></ul> No, but someone does say, &quot;They&#39;re not sinking this battleship!&quot; It&#39;s the Naval Working Uniform (NWU). Based on the MARPAT Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform, with multiple pockets on the shirt and trousers, it uses a multicolor digital print pattern similar to those introduced by other services. However, the NWU is also made in three variants: predominantly blue (with some gray) for the majority of sailors and shipboard use; a woodland digital pattern; and a desert digital pattern for sailors serving in units requiring those types of uniforms, such as SEALs. Woodland and desert variants may be tailored differently than the blue-pattern uniform. The overall blue color reflects the Navy&#39;s heritage and connection to seaborne operations. The pixelated pattern is also used to hide wear and stains, something unavoidable with the utilities and working khakis used previously. The colors were also chosen to match the most commonly used paint colors aboard ship, extending the lifetime of the uniform on long deployments where uniforms often come into contact with freshly painted surfaces. This uniform is also worn at Naval Medical Center San Diego and other on-shore facilities. As of 2012 the NWU is authorized for wear outside of military installations. Yes. There&#39;s a short scene showing three Scottish kids finding one of the derelict pieces that splintered from the original formation at the beginning of the film. A man with a truck full of tools happens by and uses some of his implements to try to open it, failing, until a blowtorch works. They struggle and finally succeed in opening the pod, and the scene ends with them all running off scared, when an alien inside starts climbing out. &quot;Interstate Love Song&quot; by Stone Temple Pilots.
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