Macros 101 Part 2: Useful Macro Commands for Tanks and DPS (and maybe Healers, but we really should get a healer to do that bit)
Ok, now that you know the basics about macros, you probably want to know some more useful things, like "How do I make my macro use one of my abilities?" or "How do I make the macro show the icon for that ability?" or "How do I make a macro to use two abilities in a row?"
Macros to Use Abilities
This one is actually very easy. Instead of using /mk, we're going to use /ac "ability name"
For instance, if I'm playing as a warrior, and I want to use my Tomahawk ability, I can make a macro that says /ac "Tomahawk"
If I put it on my hotbar, when I click it, it will use my Tomahawk ability.
Why, you ask, would I want to do that? Well, I can then mark my target and attack it with one key. The macro would then look something like this:
/mk attack1
/p Attack <t>
/ac "Tomahawk"
This would mark the target as the first target to attack, tell the party to attack it, and pull it with Tomahawk, all by using one button click.
Of course, at that point we run into a minor issue - how do I know if I'm in range for Tomahawk (or if my cooldown is down for that ability, or whatever?) There's a nice solution for that - we can change the icon.
Using Ability Icons for Macros
On the top line of the macro, before the /mk, type /micon "Tomahawk"
You are now using the icon for the Tomahawk ability, which means that you will be able to see when you're in range, just like you would with the regular ability. This is especially helpful with abilities that have cooldowns, particularly if you don't want annoying error messages to pop up when you try to use them.
Using Macros to Chain Abilities
This can be useful, but if you have latency, you're going to have to play around with the numbers until it works. If you have two (or more) abilities you should always use together, you can make a macro to use one after the other. Warning: use with caution.
Say I always want to use Bloodbath before I cast Inner Beast. (Yes, I know due to gcd this is not always possible. It's just an example.) I can, in fact, use two abilities in a row on the same icon by typing:
/ac "Bloodbath"
/ac "Inner Beast"
The abilities will be executed in the order listed, so if I use the macro, I will use Bloodbath followed by Inner Beast. If you really, really don't mind error messages about abilities not being available, you can do this anyway, because any abilities that aren't usable at the time will be skipped, and the next ability will be activated. You'll just get an error message for the one you can't use.
If your abilities are not insta-cast, and you want to use them in succession, you can do that by adding a /wait in between. This is where latency comes in. Your ability timer may say a certain number, but if you have higher latency, you might have to put in a longer wait time. For instance, if I wanted to macro the Butcher's Block combo (which I wouldn't do, because sometimes I need to do something in between, but…it's just an example), I could type:
/ac "Heavy Swing"
/wait 2.5
/ac "Skull Sunder"
/wait 2.5
/ac "Butcher's Block"
If my latency was higher, I might have to use /wait 3 instead of /wait 2.5
Other useful commands for Tanks and DPS include:
/nexttarget (cycles through targets, and is good for marking provided the mobs are close enough together)
/assist <ft> (autoattacks what your focus target has targeted)
Here are a couple of nice websites that have info about macros:
Please note that some of the info in these guides is outdated, so some of the commands have changed a little bit. It's best to test your macros out somewhere safe before trying to use them somewhere less friendly to error, like Coil.
Sigurd Bloode Moderator replied
544 weeks ago