Harry replied

227 weeks ago

It's a trick you've probably seen Chromecast and Apple TV users pull, but don't feel left out: you can get it working in Kodi too.
1. Open the Chromecast app on your Android device.
2. Open the menu and select the Cast screen/audio option and follow the instructions to connect to your Chromecast.
3. Open Kodi.
4. Find the video you want to watch and press play.

techtoreview replied

227 weeks ago

Google Chrome cast is an excellent device for media streaming. If you want to watch content on Kodi or you want to stream Kodi to Chrome cast, there is no native way. But there are some ways to stream Kodi to Chrome cast. You can stream it through your Android device, PC or Mac.Here are 3 ways to stream Kodi Chrome cast.
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